"There are 88 constellations in the sky, as astronomers defined it in the 20th century. The zodiacal constellations, which are found in the celestial strip through which the Sun, Moon and planets travel, are especially well known. Also important are the constellations that serve to orient us at night, such as the The Great Bear, which is in a northern direction, or Crux, the Southern Cross, which orients us to the south".
Written by: Germán Puerta Restrepo
Illustrations: Catalina Vásquez
Editor: Carolina Vanegas
Published by Grupo Planeta. Colombia, 2021

Ursa Minor & Draco

Lynx & Leo Minor

Lupus / The Wolf





Piscis Austrinus / The Southern Fish

Ursa Major / The Great Bear

Aquila, Delphinus & Equuleus / The Eagle, The Dolphin and the Horse

Cygnus, Lacerta & Vulpecula / The Lizard, The Swan and the Fox

Serpens / The Serpent


Canis Major, Lepus & Columba / The Big Dog, the Hare and the Dove


Camelopardalis / The Giraffe

Grus, Tucana, Pavo / The Crane, The Toucan & The Turkey

Capricornus / Capricorn

Cetus / The Whale

Hydra & Corvus / The Sea Monster and the Raven


Chamaleon, Musca & Apus / The Chameleon, The Fly and the Bird of Paradise

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