Comissioned illustrations for the web book "Invientario: poetic anthology of the 5 continents".
Published by Editorial José Max León Bilingual School
"Oh wind
Are you the one who hides his face?
I can hear your voiceamid the screeching cacophony of crickets
That whistles a song at dusk
Your breath giving me a cold massage."
S k e t c h e s

"The wind blows and whispers things on its journey
shake the snow from the buildings
and falls like tulle on my head".
El viento besa como un murmullo
Osiris Mosquea

"In the mountains the winds run different.
They beat each other on the breasts
like teenage breezes
they don't know what they want".
Xavier Oquendo Troncoso

"Rivers without bridge
they go through
startled the blue sands
like cirrus clouds in a dull sky
and your mountains they all cry
like a newly crowned miss ..."
The summer visitor submits a report
Sigurbjörg Þrastardóttir

"Whether I want to or not
How hastily
The wind enters my dwelling!
It actually amazes me!"
The wind
Tithi Afroz