Catalina Vásquez Salazar
Illustrator, designer, and visual storyteller from the mountains of Medellín, Colombia.
Her work weaves together narrative and visual languages to create a universe where personal and collective experiences meet—exploring memory, place, identity, and the richness of human emotions and lived experiences.
With a multidisciplinary approach, she has contributed to projects in independent animation, documentary, illustration, editorial design, advertising, apps, educational initiatives, museography, textiles, film, and fashion, across both personal and commissioned work.

She is currently working in illustration, animation, and design at Reserve, where she has also been exploring the intersection of art, technology, and Web3.
Selected clients:
Adobe · Internazionale · Amnesty International · Upwork · Doméstika · Snapchat  · Reserve · Airbnb · Penguin Random House  · Editorial Planeta · Ministry of Culture of Colombia · Radio Ambulante · Fundación Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano FNPI  · Mutante · Comisión de la Verdad de Colombia  · Revista Semana · Revista Avianca · El Espectador · Señal Colombia · Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura de Medellín.

Geraldine (webcomic)Goethe Institut. Catalina Vásquez & Alejandra Pérez Torres. 2022
Los Animales de Cielo. (Illustrated book).Editorial Planeta. Catalina Vásquez & Germán Puerta Restrepo. 2021.
A Estória Do Sol E Do Rinoceronte. (Picture book). Alfaguara. Portugal. Catalina Vásquez & Ondjaki. 2020.
Las Aventuras de Ulises.(Illustrated book). Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia. 2017.
Manual Para Cazar Una Idea. (Picture book).Tragaluz Editores. Colombia. Catalina Vásquez & Jose Andrés Gómez. 2015.

Awards & Grants
ADC Silver Cube Award. The One Club for Creativity. New York, USA. 2022
Movements and Moments, Feminist Generation. Goethe Institut Indonesia. 2020
Graphic Novel Artistic Residence "Maison des Auteurs". Granted by the Ministry of Culture of Colombia and La Cité Internationale de la Bande Dessinée et de L'image. Angouleme, France. 2018
The Film Development Fund Grant (FDC) - Proimágenes Colombia. 2016 

2015. Museo de la Calle. Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura. Medellín, Colombia
2018. Maison des Auteurs. Festival International De La Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême. France.
2019. Latin America illustration 6. New York, USA
2022.  Artists posters. La Guarimba International Film Festival. Amantea, Italy.


For any inquires please contact me at:
hello (at) kathiuska (dot) com

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